4 Schools serviced by spreading bark dust and pulling weeds. Campus Life Students, The Farm Store, Fern Ridge Christian Church, Veneta United Methodist, and Fern Ridge Faith Center all joined together to serve our community. We showed the love of Jesus through our service and have hope that we can do more for our district in these hard economic times. The day culminated for the volunteers in a free lunch at Fern Ridge Faith Center's Block Party. It was great to see students receive school supplies and The Church together at this event. Seeing God's people move as one is amazing and I am glad I had the opportunity to partner with my Brother's and Sisters in Christ.
Below are some pictures from Middle School Camp and the Project Hope workday. I was program-lead along with fellow director Chuck Taylor. I am excited to report that 17 students reported to have accepted Jesus for the first time. Hopefully they can take that love and strength back into some pretty rough home lives.
For program we performed some magic ala "The Prestige". I performed a card trick, made a quarter disappear, read someones mind, and through a ball through a door and had Cody go and chase it while simultaneously his brother Jeremy came in the other door. The Kids were speechless (until we spoiled the trick later). We coordinated the games and activities as well as a skit. One of the benefits to helping with the middle school camp is the opportunity for experience I can pass along to our New Director Mandy Robertson at Fern Ridge Middle School. Mandy has been an amazing volunteer for Campus Life at the High School and has run Child Evangelism Fellowship on the FRMS campus. Our goal is to reach every student at Youth For Christ and that can not be done if you are not on campus.
I am excited for this next school year. We have some big trips planned! Registration got me pumped to meet the new freshman and to hear all the stories of summer adventures. More details to come.