I love watching my volunteer staff grow as they serve. This last week at Club Erica gave her testimony. She was scared and afraid of public speaking. Last year she attempted to give her testimony and had some difficulties. This time, with some encouragement, she had the students full attention. She even broke down and cried once, not because of fear for speaking, but because she was deeply sharing the pains that Christ had taken her through. When it was done the kids applauded. I can't tell you how happy that made me, but how much more so when Erica said, "I have never got applause for my testimony before." I am so happy for Erica, for the kids that got to hear her story, and for God who gets all the glory.
I am blessed to have amazing donors and sponsors for Campus Life. For the last week I let one of our donors and supporter of Elmira Campus Life Dodgeball, The Farmstore (Vicky and Travis Soverns) hold the championship trophy for the week. It is partnerships like this I am looking to expand in the near future.
I am blessed to have amazing donors and sponsors for Campus Life. For the last week I let one of our donors and supporter of Elmira Campus Life Dodgeball, The Farmstore (Vicky and Travis Soverns) hold the championship trophy for the week. It is partnerships like this I am looking to expand in the near future.