In story writing your supposed to build to the crescendo, I however will start with it. Two of my students Stacey and Adreanna, did something monumental at camp, they accepted Jesus into their lives. These two became new creations in Christ. I have been working with Stacey for some time now (a year and a half). Stacey a year ago was that kid who wanted nothing to do with God. A year ago he believed he was a bad kid.
A Quote from his Facebook wall -
"The important news is I went to camp for a week and had a chance to meet
some amazing people and I have become a christian. I know your probably
thinking of all people me? But GOD has sure done some amazing things
and he sent me to camp so I could learn about his word and how he helps
so many people"
His Sister made a different proclamation
"Born agian christian- July 11th 2012"
Camp was full of fun events, friendships, and games. I challenged my students to read their word and grow in the spiritual journey with Jesus as much as they possible could. Camp is an amazing time because it gives students a chance to disconnect from the frenetic pace of the world. No Cell phone distractions, No parental distractions, no life drama and its distraction, and time to slow down and think. For some students it is the first time they have said hi to their brain in a while. I am excited when I see these young people grow and mature and I am super duper excited when they make decisions to follow after Jesus. Last months newsletter was written by a former student named Dylan whose life was greatly affected by his time with Campus Life (he was also baptized this year.) He was one of the first ones to respond to my post on Facebook about these Two embarking on a New Life. This ministry lets me see different generations of students encourage the next.
It is amazing to see the change, and awkward sometimes, in students (because sometimes you can't believe that the same student is a totally different person). I ask for prayer for these two students that they stay strong. It isn't easy in a peer pressure media society to be a genuine Christian. For a student like Stacey who was a sworn atheist, he is going to need your prayers, because his friends may think he has gone crazy. I again as always thank you for your support.
I also hope to post updates soon on the work we are doing to try and start a Middle School Campus Life Program at Fern Ridge Middle School.

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